Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Watch out for the Upcoming SqwishLander Pets

There are new SqwishLanders joining the gang! They were discovered when the humans and SqwishLanders were building the very first SqwishLand City. Everybody will surely enjoy the newest members of the SqwishLand family – Sqwoodle, Sqwabat, Sqwarantula, and so much more!
You'll see them hanging out at the SqwishGallery soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SqwishLanders of the Deep

Have you ever explored the dark parts of the SqwishLand waters? With a scuba gear and your Sea SqwishLand pet, take a dive in The Deep and you will meet Sqwolphin and Sqworca. They're some of the friendliest SqwishLanders you'll ever meet!

Beware though, some say that Sqwabbles like to lurk in the darkness of The Deep!