Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sqwishland Quest: Power Problem

Accept duel with Sideways Jess in the beach the help Sqwobster Sqwelectrician solve the problem on water turbine.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Game of the Month: Dolphin Defence

Commander Thriller placed his army camp to protect the Sqwishlanders from the Colt of the Sqwams.
Tip: Finny the Sqwoplphin will help you take out few of the awaken Sqwams.

Play mini games at - the biggest virtual world for kids.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sqwishland Quest: Elder Sandra Mystic Quest

Get Elle the Sqwelephant from Sqwungle Treehouse and the adventure begins..

Reward: Scuba Gear!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sqwishland Quest: Sqwippo Blockade

Go to Sqwippo blockade using the map and accept task by Great Flippo the Sqwippo

Reward: 600 points and 300 sqwabble.

Play mini games or finish quests, there's so much to do at!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sqwishland Quest: Food for Mighty Feather

Go to Sqwicnic area, you need to finish Chef Sqwear's Sqwabab game to get "the food".

Reward: 150 points and 100 sqwash

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Game: Running the Touchdown

sqwishland running the touchdown

How many yards can you run in 4 downs?

1. Dodge all the Sqwabbles
2. Collect all the footballs that you can get
3. Get those Sqwabbles down

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Game: Sqwabble Break-In

Keep sqwabbles from attacking your SqwishHome but there may be some Sqwishlanders visiting your homes so make sure to hit the right target!

You can use your water balloons to hit the sqwabbles and earn points to win new furniture.
You can play Sqwabble Break-In every time you see the pop-up invitation every day.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sqwishland Health System has applied a health system for Sqwishlanders - this is based on your last login date.

Its another reason to visit Sqwishland everyday! Play mini games to earn more Sqwash to buy your Sqwishlanders’ favorite food and drinks from the Salad Bar. Keep their mood, health and energy up all day, every day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Game of the Month: Sqwobster Defence

Game of the Month: Sqwobster Defence
Mobster Sqwelectrician Sqwobsters is always having trouble with those darn Sqwabbles floating through to their turbine, its up to them to set up defense stations to stop them. The more you play, the harder the Sqwabbles get so make sure you are ready with your Sqwobsters

Tips: Sometimes little is better than more. Instead of placing more Sqwobsters just upgrade your Sqwobsters