Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Explore Sqwungle Today

Once you've registered your account at SqwishLand, you are now ready to explore the biggest virtual world for kids! Login using your username and password.


Choose from any of the 2 servers, Sqwabang  or Sqwabbelle

sqwishland servers

You will be directed randomly on any of the three worlds, for this blog entry, the focus is on Sqwungle

At Sqwungle, you can play mini games such as Elle the Elephant, Sqwarking Swqarrots or Sqwallabing Sqwunderpants.On the upper right side, there is an arrow that leads to the Sqwicnic and the Beach connector on the lower part.

Find out what's in store for you, explore Sqwungle today!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Saturday Sqwish Fever, Dance Your Flabs Off

There's so much to do at and dancing on the beach is definitely one way to have fun in the biggest virtual world for kids!

Test your rhythm and timing as you press the up,down,left arrow or spacebar based on the symbol displayed on the screen.

Saturday Sqwish Fever, Dance Your Flabs Off

Remember, accuracy is the key to a higher score! Check out Saturday Sqwish Fever and other mini games, sign up today at

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Be in The Know through Sqwictionary

Whether you are a newly registered member or a seasoned gamer, here are some useful words that might come in handy on your quests in Sqwishland.

Sqwish Word
English Word
any of numerous succulent plants of the family Cactaceae, of warm, arid regions of the New World, having fleshy, leafless, usually spiny stems, and typically having solitary, showy flowers.
any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas.
any of several flightless, aquatic birds of the family Spheniscidae, of the Southern Hemisphere, having webbed feet and wings reduced to flippers.
any wild or domestic swine.
a large, usually tawny-yellow cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa and southern Asia, having a tufted tail and, in the male, a large mane.
a large herbivorous mammal, Hippopotamus amphibious, having a thick hairless body, short legs, and a large head and muzzle, found in and near the rivers, lakes, etc., of Africa, and able to remain under water for a considerable time.
a sluggish, tailless, gray, furry, arboreal marsupial, Phascolarctos cinereus, of Australia.
the mature female of a bovine animal, esp. of the genus Bos
a wild land overgrown with dense vegetation, often nearly impenetrable, esp. tropical vegetation or a tropical rain forest.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Getting Started at Sqwishland

First things first! What is in store for you at is a kid-friendly virtual world where you can interact with cute, little Sqwishland characters. These are popularly known as squishies or pencil toppers which can be bought from vending machines. It comes with a secret code – Sqwishcode that can be used as virtual money to buy your Sqwishland pet and other items while playing.

The next step is to create your own Sqwishland account. Here’s the 5 quick steps to create your account at!

#1 Buy a squishy pencil topper from your local vending store. The cool toy comes with a secret code which is your ticket to Sqwishland!

# 2 Visit and choose “New User”. 

 Complete the details on the new user registration form, choose “I agree” and click "Next".

# 3 Check your email and click on the activation link provided

# 4 After you have activated your account, click "Next" to continue and you can be redirected to a new page. Click "Play!" On the next page, choose "Existing member",

and input your username and password then click "Play". 

# 5 On the upper left corner of the screen, choose “Enter Your Sqwish Codes”  and input  your Sqwishcode.

You're now set to start your adventures at the biggest kid's virtual world online -!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sqwishland Players, Unite!

Welcome to Sqwishlander's Blog - Your Ultimate Guide to everything and anything about®!

In case you've never heard of®, its a game that's taking the world by storm - with 29 million units sold and it’s just out of Beta! It's vending machine meets virtual world, a combination that caught the kids and children at heart's interest!

You can find Sqwishland gaming guides, secrets, cheats and updates that newbies and seasoned gamers need to know at Sqwishlander's Blog. Bookmark this blog and get your daily Sqwishland fix.